Surgery can very effectively reduce or solve the problems associated with the general health status of individuals. But for women, when gynecological surgeries are involved, it is important that women pay more than the usual attention to the risks associated with them.
It is no longer news that many women have lost their lives, when having surgeries to remove fibroid from the uterus or when having abortions (D&C). But beyond the loss of lives is the infertility problems associated with the mentioned procedures.
Like, I wrote in my blocked womb article, Asherman Syndrome is the main culprit. Let us now look at Asherman in relation to Fibroid / D&C.
Asherman’s syndrome is caused by damage to the uterus that causes the formation of adhesions (scar tissue). The extent of damage can vary, and there are different grades of Asherman’s syndrome severity. The adhesion formation can affect the cervix, uterine lining, the deeper layers of the uterus, or in some cases the opening of the fallopian tubes. The scar tissue may be thin or thick. In some cases the front and back of the uterus may be adhered together, the opening to the fallopian tubes scarred shut, or the cervix covered over with scar tissue. Severe Asherman’s may lead to complete blockage of menstrual blood (endometrial lining) from being shed naturally each menses. This may lead to the formation of endometriosis, another painful and debilitating fertility issue.
What Actually Are Intrauterine Adhesions?
Surgical Procedures That May Lead To Asherman’s Syndrome
• D&C for miscarriage, incomplete or missed
• D&C for retained placenta
• Suction method D&C
• Hysteroscopic myomectomy (removal of submucosal uterine fibroids bulging into uterine cavity)
• Cesarean section
• Uterine artery embolization (procedure to block blood flow to uterine fibroids, with the intent to shrink them)
• Vacuum procedure performed for abortion, this rarely happens
• IUD (intrauterine device birth control), this rarely happens
Causes of Asherman’s Syndrome
The most common cause of intrauterine adhesions is injury following a surgical procedure involving the cavity of the uterus such as in fibroid surgeries, D&C and co. Dilatation and curettage (D&C) is a common outpatient surgical procedure during which the cervix (neck of the uterus) is opened and the tissue contents of the uterus are emptied.
Intrauterine adhesions may form following a D&C performed for pregnancy complications such as uterine bleeding following childbirth or miscarriage, or less commonly, for other gynecological problems that involve the uterus.
Other possible causes of adhesion formation are infections of the uterine lining (endometritis), removal of fibroid in the cavity of the uterus and endometrial ablation (a surgical procedure that is used to intentionally damage the uterine lining to eliminate menstrual periods or make periods lighter).
How Is Asherman’s Syndrome Treated?
Surgical removal of intrauterine adhesions with hysteroscopic guidance is one way to treat Asherman’s syndrome. A special operating hysteroscope is used to cut away the scar tissue. This is frequently done under anesthesia. Following removal of the adhesions, many surgeons recommend temporarily placing a device, such as a plastic catheter, inside the uterus to keep the walls of the uterus apart and to prevent adhesions from reforming.
Hormonal treatment with oestrogen and NSAIDs are frequently prescribed after surgery to lessen the chance of reformation of adhesions. In severe cases, more than one attempt at surgical removal of the adhesions may be necessary.
This is another danger most women are running away from. Post-surgery complications are still there and there is no guarantee on the outcome. The reproductive system may be severely damaged too.
Treatment with oestrogen is also another problem as excess oestrogen in the body may promote fibroid growth and obesity which will be issues the woman might have to battle with again after overcoming adhesions through surgery.
Non-Surgical Procedures That May Cause Asherman’s Syndrome
• Retained placenta requiring manual removal
• Uterine packing with gauze to prevent postpartum hemorrhage
• Douching with a caustic chemical to induce abortion
• Endometrial tuberculosis
• Pelvic irradiation for cancer treatment
How Is Asherman’s Syndrome Diagnosed?
Asherman’s syndrome can be diagnosed by hysteroscopy, hysterosalpingogram (HSG), or sonohysterogram (SHG).
Hysteroscopy is the most accurate method to evaluate intrauterine adhesions and it is a procedure in which a thin, telescope-like instrument is inserted through the cervix to allow the doctor to see directly inside the uterus.
HSG and SHG are useful screening tests for adhesions. HSG is an x-ray procedure during which a dye that can be seen on x-ray is placed into the uterine cavity so that the shape of the inside of the uterus can be seen. During a saline ultrasound (SHG), a salt solution similar to normal body fluid is infused through the cervix into the uterus and a sonogram machine is used to see the uterine cavity. In both HSG and SHG, the adhesions are seen as “filling defects,” spaces where the fluid does not flow freely.
If you don’t want to suffer all the aforementioned, there is a better option and that’s the: SWISSGARDES INTRAUTERINE ADHESION REMEDY KIT . This is the same package we have used to treat a lot of women naturally to get rid of adhesion without surgery and with no side effects.
Treating adhesion with this Kit will help you repair the intrauterine lining of your uterus and restore your fertility fully. The adhesions will be removed naturally and the uterus will regain it’s natural form. Your uterus will be able to shed the endometrial lining again during menstruation – meaning that your menstruation will be fully restored without any form of pain.
It is almost impossible to conceive with some cases of adhesion. But with this Kit, you will be able to conceive naturally after getting rid of the scar tissues.
While on this treatment, you will be seeing signs to confirm that the treatment is working for you and your hope will be fully restored about your fertility.
What Does The Kit Contain And How Does The Treatment Work?
Details of the content of the Asherman’s Syndrome Remedy Kit is given below as well as the mechanism of operation (how it works to help you remove adhesions);
Herbal Medicine.
Contained in the Kit are herbal based supplements. These herbal drugs help the body to break-down and prevent scar tissue formation. The herbal drugs work as biological response modifiers; working with the bodies own immune defense system to moderate inflammatory response in the following ways;
• They support cleansing of the tissues, promote better circulation.
• They break down and remove “fibrin”, the make-up of prolonged inflammation and scar tissue/adhesion formation.
• They break down the proteins in the blood that cause inflammation, this facilitates their removal via the lymphatic and circulatory system.
• They help to break up scar tissue/adhesion formation
• Help the uterus to rid itself of old stagnant blood and tissues
• Bring fresh oxygenated blood to the uterus
• Help to strengthen the uterine muscles
• Help the body to loosen tight or twisted tissues
Fertility Cleansing.
This is a very important aspect of the entire treatment. This is to ensure that your reproductive system gets rid of the unwanted debris as much as possible to give room for healing and fertility improvement.
Anti-Inflammation Recipe.
To help you prevent the reoccurrence of adhesion in any form, our special anti-inflammatory recipe is what to use. This is made from common fruits and herbs that have proven to be highly beneficial in cases of adhesions that we have handled successfully. The recipe will be entirely handed over to you (from the ingredients, to preparation and usage) and you can make use of it at any point in time.
To get this Kit and all its content , please reach me by calling or chatting me Up and you will be assured of the Natural Wellness from Swissgarde. The number to call\WhatsApp 08035656966